Total BS
I just heard on the radio that in response to a number of military personel who had used their personal concealed weapons in self defense, some of the shootings fatal, they will be denied the
Let me get this right. They swear to defend the Constitution, then are denied the rights the Constition recognizes that we all are created with? They use a legal product in a legal manner, then are denied the further use of this product? Is this not wrong?
Lastly, we have a group of people who are having issues defending themselves, and the response of their leadership is to deny them the right to defend themselves. Don't the statistics show that they need to defend themselves? Why not just tie a bleating goat to their back and abandon them on the savanna overnight?
The thing that surpises me is that is not a politician screwing them over, but their own leaders (no doubt leaders that are more political than martial, but still) who are not supporting them.
And no, there is no there is no hotbed of anti-military or anti-Americanism here in Alaska. We love our troops, although Anchorage, being a large city, is a Mecca for the Liberal Democrats and their baby killing ways.