I was visiting Nate's and saw where he specifically went to a non-union grocery story for some beer. That prompted me to share a recent situation up here.
Seems the unions are picketing Wal-Mart for not paying it's employees enough. It turns out that the protesters were being paid an hourly wage less than the Wal-Mart employees.
If the union truely feels that the employees aren't being paid enough, how can they justify paying a lower rate to protesters
working standing outside in the Alaskan winter when the Wal-Mart employees are warm in a building?.
Also, isn't a persons salary, especially if they are adults, a private issue strictly between them and their employer? If the Unions think they have such a good idea, why don't they start a business themselves, based on their business model, pay the salaries they demand, and see how it all works out.
My Father-in-Law was a contractor. His last big project was a hotel that he funded himself. He had everything he had tied up in it and when his hotel employees threatened to 'go union' he promised that he'd lock the doors if they did. Knowing the Big Old Stubborn Swede, they backed down.
And he paid them well too. There were a few who took summer jobs at the hotel and said that they made enough to life off of and weren't going back to college. At the end of the summer he'd fire them and make sure they finished college. At his wake, I heard this story and a few others where successful adults thanked him for helping them becoming the independent people that they grew into.
The union would have never done that for them.