Tuesday, December 06, 2005

The Nature of Sin

There is a trial here where a 24 year old guy who was living at home murdered his mother.

Seems that he wanted a bigger house for her and he thought the insurance would provide it so he tried burning the existing one down. His mom was upstairs sleeping at the time and was unable to get out. She did dial 911, but died of smoke inhalation.

It's easy to look at this guy and think what a total idiot.

I see the nature of sin being highlighted here. Namely that he was willing to cross the line and do something that he knew he shouldn't do. He was willing to live with some sin. But it ended up going further, out of his control, to something he never imagined.

How many of us sin, being prepared to live with the consequences we expect? How many times are the consequences bigger than we expected?