Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Jihad in our Streets

It's been called for.

Something like this would certainly seperate the black-Americans from the black-Muslims, wouldn't it.

I do know that the prisons are ripe recruiting grounds for Muslim evangelists. If this kicked off, it would show that their efforts were productive.

I wonder if the black-Muslims would work together with the hispanic-Muslims that are being recruited in points South of the Rio Grande.

Personally, I hate the word nigger. It's emotional charge is foul and misleading. Of the 20something blacks that I've known in my life, all have been intelligent hardworking people. Everyone I've ever known that fits the definition of the word niggardly has been white and probably never called a nigger.

The word is like a RPG that goes 20 yards, then makes a hard 90 degree turn and delivers its ordinance. The damage is done, but not on a deserving target.

I'm not naive, I know that there are niggardly blacks out there. Apparently, ones that want to destroy our Nation. Lets see if his followers are few in number and cowardly or if they do rise up in an act of violent rebellion against society.

Remember that "Rebellion is akin to witchcraft" and that a Muslim is calling for this. Certainly this suggests the spiritual force behind Islam.