Thursday, August 18, 2005

The Importance of Manufacturing

The best way to make money and create wealth, either for an individual or a country is to take 50 cents worth of raw material and convert it into a $5 product. That is why Great Britian forbade the construction of textile mills in the colonies. They would buy the wool and sell the finished goods to us, extracting wealth from the Colonies.

Look at a SUV today. $30,000 for a 2,500 lb product. Aluminum is about $6/lb, steel at $2.50/lb(?), plastic less then $1/lb (average), etc. I'd estimate that they are mostly steel and the higher cost of the Al will be a wash with the (inexpensive) plastic. Estimate $2.50/lb and you have a raw material cost of $6,250 for a SUV.

What's got me on this rant? I'm restless witht the surrender of strategic Isreali territories and then I read where the US would be better spending it's money here to help out the single mother who only makes $6/hr and lost her son. She is an antecdotal figure of the liberal mind and I am immune to their ploy of playing my feelings. I will not let guilt or feeling sorry lead me to make wrong decisions.

If this country kept it's manufacturing base, and the guilt of removing the manufacturing jobs lays on the back of both faces of the ruling party in the US, better paying jobs would be more plentiful, not to mention what that would do to the trade deficit.

I want to yell at Cindy Sheehan and tell her that there are over 3,000 mothers grieving losses from 9-11. None of them volunteers. I want to ask her what makes her so special?

If I had time I'd write 3 separate posts on:
  1. Isreal,
  2. The media marketing of Cindy's greiving, and
  3. The importance of keeping manufacturing capacity in this country.
I just hope the liberals don't expect the US to follow the Isreali precident when the radical Hispanics demand a return of 'their' territory.

Yep, I've read that Islam is growing rapidly in Mexico. I wonder how long it'll be till we start seeing Mexican suicide bombers in the US.