Thursday, August 18, 2005

A Game for Lycan

With a good crowd, this sounds like fun.
Werewolf is, quite, simply, one of the best games ever invented. However, that's because it depends very much on what you, as a player, bring to it. Rule-wise, it's very simple but it creates a framework around which your own personal psychology creates layers upon layers of depth. In this regard it's similar to Poker or Diplomacy, games which are enjoyable not because of the rules of play but the psychological double-thinking that goes on. Okay, but what is the game actually about? Werewolf (which is also commonly known as Mafia or Foreign Spy) is a simple "hidden identities" game. At the start each player is secretly assigned a role by the moderator (who runs the proceedings). In a standard game there will be two werewolves, one seer and everyone else will be a simple villager. Each round is played as follows: The moderator instructs all players to close their eyes. Then she will call for the werewolves to open their eyes and (quietly) select one of the villagers to kill. The werewolves then close their eyes and the seer is allowed to open his eyes and select another player. The moderator will then silently indicate whether this player is a villager or a werewolf. Then all players open their eyes and the victim is announced. (This player is then out of the game.) Shocked at discovering the evidence of werewolves in their village the townspeople discuss the issue and will ultimately decide to lynch someone whom they suspect of lycanthropy. Having done so, they reveal the hapless victim's true identity and night falls again...

Very simple and this description of play might not lead you to think that the game is much fun at all but it can be absolutely fantastic in the right circumstances. The fun part of the game is in the discussion period where people voice their theories and suspicions about their fellow players. At the start there's not much to go on but as the game progresses a distinct air of paranoia and persecution arises. People start to blame each other for (ungrounded) accusations and express bewilderment that they (of all people!) could possibly be a werewolf. This then leads to secondary levels of suspicion: "Hmm, Bob sure seems quick to point out other people. Perhaps that's because he's actually the werewolf!" Further, since most people will weigh in on whether they think a particular person is (or isn't) a werewolf a further confusion of true motives develops. "Why is Frank so sure that Cathy isn't a werewolf? Maybe he's the seer and looked at her card? Wait a minute! Maybe it's because they're both werewolves and he's trying to protect her!" It's this type of thinking that propels the game and it's amazing how quickly the game can suck you in. Suddenly every little thing you do or say is seen by others as some sort of slip-up which naturally reveals your guilt. "Gee, Gary didn't cheer when we successfully lynched a werewolf yesterday, he must be the other one!" or "Sure Gary cheered yesterday but he was obviously trying to disguise his true feelings."

It's that last bit that I love in the game. Logic and reason are often thrown out the window and this creates an atmosphere that no "normal" game can ever hope to match. Usually you play a boardgame, with Werewolf, you're in one. Invariably someone will suggest that a certain player has been acting exactly as an innocent villager would act. This, of course, can only be explained by the fact that they're "covering up" the fact that they're a werewolf! Trust me, this can and does happen in games. (And can often be the correct assessment!) This sort of double-thinking is made all the greater because people are imperfect creatures and what appears to be perfectly sane and logical arguments can appear confused and nonsensical to others, particularly when certain players know things that other don't. For example, the seer often knows a fair bit about the other players. However, she can't simply announce this fact to everyone otherwise the werewolves will be sure to kill her the following night. Further, even if she does announce this fact, how are the other players to know that she's telling the truth? Perhaps she's actually a werewolf and is trying to convince everyone to lynch an innocent villager?

Sounds like the origins of Survivor, doesn't it.