Friday, November 18, 2005

The Taliban Should be Scared, Very Scared

It seems that the Muslim Belligerants in Afghanistan fear the shotgun. So what is the US Military doing? Looking for a bigger scarier (just wait for the liberal Democrats reaction when the public start buying it) shotgun. The model with the 18" barrel and 8 round mag looks like this:
There is also a 13" barrel and a 32 round drum magazine.

The reason why 'sawed off shotguns' are not legal for the public is that they are not a military weapon. This could also change that. If this gets adopted as an official weapon of the US Military, that law will be rendered null and void.

I think the only thing this baby needs is a duckbill to spread out the pattern and be chambered for 3" magnums.

I'll take that back about the duckbill. While duckbills are cool and I'd love to have one, they may not be the best accessory on this weapon.

Seems that there is also a 12 gauge explosive round. This might not go so well with a deformed muzzle.

It's a fin stabilized round with a 2 meter lethal blast [I'm not sure if it is a raduis or diameter since this info was relayed to me verbally and the teller wasn't 100% sure].

Seems that this war is giving some creative guys the opportunity to cash in on their hobbies/jobs.

Just imagine clearing a building with 32 rounds, 00 buck staggered with high explosive, ready to rock and roll.