Tuesday, November 08, 2005

The French vs. the Insurgents

First, I'd like to point out that rioting French youths are actually insurgents. They are citizens of the counry that they are causing the trouble in, unlike the foreign belligerants in Iraq that the Legacy Media calls insurgents.

The French lost Morocco and Algiers to Muslims fighing for their independance. They also lost to the communists in Vietnam, but only after they pulled out the French Foreign Legion and replaced them with French troops. Seems the Foreign Legion in the late 40's and 50's was made up, largly, of ex-Waffen SS stormtroopers who valued the new French identity that came as partial payment for enlisting and completing their time of service.

Why'd they pull out the FFL? Seems that the communist global news media (anyone notice a trend here?) was embarrassing the French by pointing out that they were using the best soldiers on the earth old Nazi's to fight the Viet Mihn. The French response was to remove their capable soldiers with a colorful history with some the communist media approved of.

Most everyone, at least anyone who knows their military history, will tell you the French lost in Vietnam in 1959 at Dein Bein Phu. I think they lost when the pulled the FFL. The rest of the world just didn't see it till '59 when the Viet Mihn defeated the French forces.

I'm tempted to run on and on on a Vietnam history, but I'd be digressing if I did that. My point is the French have a very poor military history when it comes to fighting insurgents. They also have a poor history of defending France from invasions or revolutions.

If I was Osama, I'd attack my enemy where he was softest. France seems like a soft target right now. I'd go for a cultural revolution there.

Time will tell if the Muslim riots in France are just social turmoil that will burn itself out or a corrdinated and controlled move by the men facing Mecca.