Thursday, June 16, 2005

Inhumane Treatment

I don't watch the news much any more. While I miss the History and Sci-Fi channels, I can't justify paying the cable bill. Not that I can really afford it either, but that is another story.

I get most my info from the internet and a little am talk radio.

The liberal dems crying about Gitmo has a frustration burning inside of me.

I would love to spend a week or two living in a tent on a Carribbean Island. How about a month or two? I think the technical term for this situation is paradise.

Three balanced meals daily with the appropriate meals for religious holidays would be a bonus. Forget the virgins, this sounds like paradise to me.

My health care has a $1,000 deductable per family member. Not the best plan I've ever had, but with the quarterly checkups that come with a young child you can spend that in a year, not that a $6 refund from the insurance company lets you buy much. It just lets you know that you spent $1,006 that year. Kind of like when your Sears upright freezer burns up it's compresser less than a month after the warranty expires.

The Foreign Belligerants at Gitmo get free American health care. I'm sure it is better health care that I get earn for my family. It's probably the best health care any Muslim Belligerant has ever got. And it's paid for by my our tax dollars. We're probably adding year to their lives.

They're also getting free dental care. Dental insurance is so expensive that my employer has decided to self insure us. We are refunded up to $75 twice a year. This almost pays for a cleaning and a checkup. Anything else is out of our pockets.

The Muslims enjoying their stay at the Carribbean resort probably have the best teeth in the whole population of 1.2 Billion muslims, royal families excluded.

They've been issued Korans and are allowed to pray as often as they are required to.

As for the 72 virgins they expect in paradise, well in the traditions of both, prisons world wide and the Muslim world, I'm sure the youngest (and cutest?) foreign combatants are servicing the demands.

No matter how you cut it, the prisoners at Gitmo are living in a paradise beyond their wildest dreams. They are living a life I'd call a pleasant vacation with full medical and dental and they are filing bogus claims against their hosts (no doubt with full legal counsel provided by the ACLU).

Contrast this with the treatment Jessica Lynch received. Whether she was gang raped after she had broken major bones or if she was beaten so severely that major bones were broken after the gang rape is a moot point. Her treatment was not equitable with the treatment we provide their captured forces. How's that for an understatment. I might even get an award for the understantment of the year with this.

Maybe the liberal dems are happy that she wasn't burned, dragged through town, and then hung up-side-down.

Is there any outrage over this (besides my own)?

Club Gitmo