Good Read
I'd like to thank Lycan for this recommendation.
It's a well told sci-fi tale. John Steakley's writing amazes me. He packs so much detail that the reader can clearly see all as the events unfold as the action happens.
He's also inside the head of the main character sharing his thoughts, motivations, and fears. Kinda makes me wonder if the author ever wore powered battle armour and fought a non-human foe on foreigh worlds. His ability to put you in the midst of a battle not going to plan* makes you think he's been there.
Then, 100 pages, or so into the book you're wondering where you are, for about 10 pages. Kind of like getting hit by a Mike Tyson hook, except it's made up of written words. It'll knock you for a loop and leave your head spinning, it just won't hurt.
I'm in the middle of the book and can't wait to finish it. Then I'll read this one next.
*Not that any battle plan ever survives initial contact with the enemy.
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