Tuesday, March 10, 2009

More Gummint Science...

...less stimulus.

In his reversal of the Bush policy on embryonic STEM cell research, the only thing that has changed is there is now one more avenue for Federal money to be wasted.

Private industry has always been permitted to use embryonic STEM cells in research. The only stipulation was that they use their own dollars. Basic business, invest your money and if it was invested wisely, reap the rewards.

Now imagine what the rewards would be for curing cancer, curing diabetes, or letting the paralyzed walk? If there was any potential for success in these fields, there would be entrepreneurs funding research. But there's not. Why? Because there has been little to no success in using embryonic STEM cell compared to using adult STEM cells. Entrepreneurs are funding adult STEM cell research because that is where the advancements are being made.

What this means is that Obama is now funding the destruction of human embryos for research with a low likelihood of any success. Federal money that could/should be used to stimulate the recover will instead be wasted and manpower that could/should be working towards reviving American industry will instead be tied up in what will most likely be fruitless work.

At least our current administration is being consistent.

As for banning cloning, what's so bad about cloning? Does the ban extend to the cloning of individual organs? If so, it looks like they are denying us life saving technology that doesn't cross any ethical lines I can see.